Monday, August 10, 2015

Crossbell Archives: Ao no Kiseki Scenario (Chapter 3)

Note: Taken from the Crossbell Archives. Some major things are beginning to happen in this chapter! Also, first encounter with my favorite Ouroboros Pillar (I'll let you take a guess who :P)

Update: This is now complete~~! Yes you read that right!



>> Den of Ouroboros

Inside the "Celestial Globe" (location unknown), Campanella, the First Pillar, and the Sixth Pillar Novartis gathered together to confirm the current progression of the Phantom Flame Project. Novartis tells the others that preparation is around 90 percent complete, and adds "The order this time should somehow be able to make it on time." The First Pillar questions Campanella as to the whereabouts of the Enforcers, to which Campanella reports, "Biblanc retreated from Crossbell and Renne showed no sign of interfering after going off to the Liberl Kingdom." The First Pillar states that he/she intends to follow the rule of "giving the Enforcers freedom in their actions" and will "leave the decisions up to them." Despite Novartis claiming that the rule is absurd, the First Pillar counters that "there is no need to question the right or wrong of the Master's decision."

Afterwards, the Seventh Pillar Arianrhod makes her appearance. To the First Pillar's question, she answers, "That matter has been left in the care of master HaKai," as she moves the topic of the conversation to Crossbell. Arianrhod comments, "It has been awhile since I last been there." Campanella explains to her that there's been great changes to Crossbell, and that "it can be said to be the most technologically advanced city in the modern orbal power civilization." Afterwards, Novartis and Arianrhod agreed to meet at the site. In order to realize "The Project ORPHEUS" as desired by the Master, the Phantom Flame Project is proceeding in secret.

>> The Mysterious Flower

The day of the local referendum advocated by Dieter in which citizens decide on the independence of Crossbell is closing in. Pressure from both the Erebonia Empire and the Calvard Republic increase by the day, as do the citizens' awareness and concern of the situation. Adding on Arc-en-ciel's renewal performance, the enthusiasm in the city continues to rise. Under that kind of situation, new problems continue to arise unknowingly outside the city gates.

Joint conference room inside the Orkis Tower. Members of the Bracers Guild and the Special Support Section are called to gather here upon request from Commander Sonya of the Crossbell Guardian Force. According to Guardian Force reports, there are numerous sightings of large mysterious monsters known as "Phantom Beasts" in various places across Crossbell State. However, the Guardian Force have their hands already full with security work for the local referendum. Commander Sonya entrusts the matter of dealing with the Phantom Beasts to the other members in the room, and asks them to find out the reason behind the appearance of these Phantom Beasts while they're at it.

After accepting the request, Lloyd and the others quickly divide the work of eliminating the Phantom Beasts with Bracers Rin, Eolia, Scott and Winchell. Among the five cases entrusted by the Guardian Force, Lloyd and the others will be responsible for two of them. Taking into account that the Bracers Guild is more accustomed to dealing with monsters, and that the SSS also have some problems with the Ouroboros, the other party deliberately lightened the burden for Lloyd and the others. The Bracers Guild and Ouroboros also have a history together and so they tell Lloyd that "it's not just other people's business". After thanking them, Lloyd and the others begin their investigation on the Phantom Beasts.

For the purpose of investigation, the group heads back to the SSS building and first organizes all information pertaining to the Phantom Beasts. The area they're responsible for is the sandbank at Ursula Side Road and a remote area near East Crossbell Highway. The investigative reports note that the three higher elements of Time, Space, and Illusion are at work in the surroundings near the sites of the monster sightings and that field distortions are also detected. As Lloyd and the others become increasingly wary of the strength of these Phantom Beasts, they also worry about the difficulty of identifying the reasoning behind their appearances. Although they are able to confirm the presence of the three higher elements using Tio's sensing ability, they will not able to detect anything further. Putting all that aside, the group agrees to first head to the site for starters.

After the meeting, Lloyd and the others check for any support requests from the terminal. Arios has been staying by his daughter Shizuku's side due to her upcoming operation and is unable to handle any requests. As a result, a fair amount of support requests have come to the SSS. The group settles some requests within the city and also assists in the re-capturing of a fake brand merchant who caused them lots of trouble in the past. After completing all support requests, they pay a visit to Shizuku at St. Ursula's Medical College before resuming their investigation.

The moment they arrive at the Ursula Side Road sandbank, they discover the Phantom Beast described in the reports. Tio confirms the presence of the three higher elements and they begin by eliminating the Phantom Beast as requested.  They successfully eliminated the Phantom Beast after a fierce battle, however, the effects of the three higher elements continued to remain in the area. After confirming that the reason does not stem from the Phantom Beast itself, Lloyd and the others move on to the next area. Although they eliminated the Phantom Beast located behind the rental boat cabin on East Crossbell Highway in the same way, as expected, the effects of the three higher elements remain. They decide to search the surroundings a bit and split up. After searching for a while, Lloyd takes notice of a blue flower. Lloyd plucks the blue flower on a whim, and in that moment, the air around them stirs as the presence of the three higher elements dissipate and the area's distortion resolves.

After seeing the blue flower, Wazy recalls a legend about a mysterious blue flower recorded in the Septian Church's holy scriptures. Seeing as Elie also has a faint memory of it, the group decides to inquire at the Crossbell Cathedral. They hurry over and coincidentally meet with Ian in front of the chapel. It appears that he has reached an impasse during the writing of the constitution draft and is here for a mental break. Just as they see him off, Archbishop Eralda appears. The group tells him the reason for their visit, and Eralda, who is well-versed in plants, seems willing to listen to what they have to say. Lloyd and the others follow him into the archbishop's office under a feeling of pressure from the serious atmosphere. They explain the whole situation and then hand over the blue flower for the archbishop to see. Eralda  is shocked upon seeing the blue flower. They ask if he happens to know what it is, but Eralda replies with a firm "No". Just as they exit the room reluctantly, Ries, who has heard their conversation, calls out to them in a small voice to get them to come to the living quarters.

After bringing the group to her room, Ries asks about the meeting and then expresses understanding of Eralda's silence. Even within the holy scriptures, only those documents classified as hidden scriptures contain records of the flower. Ries, who has permission to read those documents, tells Lloyd and the others its contents in detail. A description of the blue flower can be found in one of the hidden scriptures called the "Ladder Records". It is said to be "a mysterious flower that is both good and bad omen which grows on top of Septium veins". Its name is the "Pleroma Flower". Lloyd and the others recall the data left inside the DG Cult terminal. This Pleroma flower is exactly the plant that serves as raw material for the Gnosis. However, there are still many questions left unsolved, including the flower's connection to the Phantom Beasts. The group receives permission to make this information public after accepting Ries' condition of not revealing her name. Later, a system of cooperation going forward is agreed upon, and Lloyd and the others return to the SSS building in order to organize the reports to be given to all sides.

At the same time, inside a dreary room, a delighted guy trembles at his own body overflowing with power. He says some suggestive words in a low voice: "With this, I can surely...can surely-- that bastard!!" And then he calls someone on the ENIGMA, telling the person straight out, "....but... I'll be doing it my way alright?" as his fighting spirit burns. Before long, the guy's figure turns into that of a gigantic demon...

>> Person related to Ouroboros

Morning of the next day, Lloyd and the others analyze the current situation at the breakfast table. They decide to follow Sergei's instruction to prioritize investigation of uncertain factors. The investigation of the Phantom Beasts concludes, and as the group discuss their future investigation plan, Lloyd suddenly remembers Jorg (Rosenberg). As long as they do not possess a search warrant, they cannot do a compulsory investigation. However, Jorg once told them, "Come back again when you have some business with me," which makes Lloyd think, "Can't we get some information out of him?" The group agrees and they decide to visit the Rosenberg Studio while handling support requests. Lloyd and the others immediately check the terminal and then take their orbal car in the direction of Mainz after being seen off by KeA who proudly declares, "I'll make dinner tonight".

Before they head to the studio, they drop by mining village Mainz where they reunite with Nielsen who happens to be interviewing the village chief. He requests for an interview about the terrorist incident during the West Zemuria Trade Conference. Lloyd and the others believe that this will also give themselves an opportunity to organize their thoughts about everything that has happened thus far and so agree to answer Nielsen's questions as much as they are allowed. After spending some meaningful time together with Nielsen and wishing that they'll meet again someday, they put the village behind them.

The group arrives at Rosenberg studio and notices the Arc-en-ciel loading truck parked in front of the gate. According to stage technician Heinz, he has come to pick up the additionally ordered stage equipment and tuned automaton for the renewal performance. Busy with preparations for the performance, the truck drives away in a hurry to get back to the theater. Lloyd and the others watch it leave, realizing an unexpected side to Jorg the puppet master.

Lloyd stands in front of the firmly shut gate and inform the owner of their visit. A short while later, a cute doll comes out to show the nervous group in. Led inside the studio by the doll, Lloyd and the others are guided to one corner of a maze-like underground workshop. The modern underground facility and the huge Patel=Mattel overwhelm the group and there they meet with Jorg, who continues to carry on with his work. Lloyd tries to tell him why they're here, but Jorg correctly guesses that their matter has to do with Campanella. When the group shows caution to his words, Jorg tells them, "Although I am related to Ouroboros, I am nothing more than a puppet master." As the conversation is moving too fast, Lloyd and the others have trouble fully understanding. He tells them, "My position is but only one of the many tails of Ouroboros," but promises to answer three of their questions to an extent.

In this way, Lloyd and the others receive the opportunity to ask questions, and from Jorg they learn: "The plan proceeding in secret in Crossbell State is known as the [Phantom Flame Project] within Ouroboros", "In order to successfully advance the plan, not only Campanella, but two Angis have also come to Crossbell city. One of them is called the "Sixth Pillar" and is a nasty scientist. The other one is crowned with the name of "Steel" and is the most powerful swordsman known as the "Seventh Pillar", and "There is no direct connection between DG Cult and Ouroboros, and in the past, Ouroboros once destroyed the cult base that imprisoned Renne."

As promised, Lloyd and the others have received answers to their three questions and so they are escorted out of the studio by the same doll. Despite all the preposterous things they heard feeling so unreal, as long as they are aware of Ouroboros' part in the Liberl Calamity, they cannot help but be nervous. They agree that Ouroboros is not an opponent to be taken lightly. In addition, Tio points out that although Ouroboros possess technological strength far surpassing even the most advanced technology of this time, the fact they are able to use it at will is very illogical. In order to create a weapon like Patel=Mattel at a level for practical use, an expense equal to that of making approximately fifty airships would be needed. Once again, Lloyd and the others feel keenly the mystery surrounding Ouroboros and the threat they pose. At that moment, they receive a call from Fran informing them of a train derailment accident.

>> The Demon's Howl

Shortly after Lloyd and the others arrive at the site of the accident on West Crossbell Highway, they confirm the damage incurred with policeman Franz. A short distance away, they see Sonya, inspector Donovan, and reporter Grace arguing over something. It appears Sonya wants to hurry up the restoration of the area, however, the other two protest that some time should be given to scene inspection. Understanding the situation, Lloyd negotiates with Sonya, saying "Before the heavy equipment arrive, can you please entrust the scene inspection to the Special Support Section?" He adds that he doesn't think an accident at this time is merely coincidence and that it is highly important to determine whether the accident is caused by man.

Sonya changes her mind and says, "Let's make inspection of the scene our first priority," and Lloyd and the others begin their investigation. After they receive testimony from the train conductor and confirm the evidences left on the locomotive and rock cliff, they call together all of those in charge. Lloyd begins to explain to Sonya, Donovan and the others the reason behind the derailment as supported by the evidences they gathered. First, the fact that there is little damage to the locomotive rules out the possibility of derailment by falling rocks. Next, although they have suspected the possibility of a terrorist bomb attack, they found no traces of explosion. As a result, Lloyd concludes from the evidences that "the derailment is caused by something slamming into the right side of the locomotive."

Just as they are about to further profile the criminal along that hypothesis, an ominous howl sound out in their surroundings. Tio immediately activates her sensor and captures a target moving west. Judging that it is highly probable that is their culprit, the group leaves everything else in the care of the Guardian Force and Second Investigation Unit, and heads westward to track down the target.

As if to lure Lloyd and the others, the owner of the howl destroys the Crossbell Police Academy gate and leaves a track near the survival training grounds' landing point. The group becomes more cautious as their target's action speaks of a high level of intelligence. After requesting assistance from the Guardian Force, they cautiously climb down the rope leading to the training grounds. Descending into the Knox Woodlands, a field of Pleroma flowers spread before their eyes. Facing such a magical scenery, Lloyd and the others begin their exploration of the forest while staying alert to their surroundings. They wander through a labyrinth of trees and enter a small clearing after some time. A fallen tree blocks their path ahead and just as they confirm that they cannot advance any further, an eerie laughter resounds overhead. The moment they look around for the owner of the laughter, the criminal behind the train derailment incident appears before them.

From the laughter that seems all too familiar, Lloyd and the others are convinced that the monster before them is Wald, demonized by the effects of the Gnosis. The group is shocked by this revelation, all except Wazy, who throws out cold words as usual. Finally regaining their composure, the group faces the demon Wald who emits ghastly power throughout his whole body. Demon Wald displays his strong combat spirit and comes charging at the group, yelling "I'll show you my real power!"

Even facing the entire group in combat, Demon Wald does not break a sweat, and after battling for some time, he lowers his weapon in satisfaction. Seeing Wald like that, Wazy, who kept silent this entire time, questions him as to the "source of the Gnosis". However, Wald does not answer his question directly and only says, "the medicine is just an impetus and this power stems from within me." Lloyd and the others confirm that Wald did not go berserk and is in complete control of his power. At that moment, second lieutenant Mireille arrives with reinforcements. However, Wald pays no attention to their attacks and disappears deep into the woodlands.

Afterwards, Lloyd and the others search the woodlands along with Mireille's troops, but Wald is nowhere to be found. In the end, since it's getting dark, they end their search. Lloyd and the others return to the SSS building around midnight. They already have no energy to even eat KeA's dinner, and just like that, all fall into deep slumber.

>> Missing Bracers

A light rain has been coming down since early morning. In the Downtown area, Lloyd and the others ask around for any information on Wald. However, they are unable to obtain any valuable information and return to the SSS building to have their late breakfast. KeA has made rice soup out of the ingredients from last night's leftover hotpot. The food warms up their bodies and just as they're feeling relaxed, Sergei tells them several pieces of information. He says, "The Crossbell Guardian Force is still continuing their search for Wald", "Second Investigation Unit is looking into the Gnosis matter", and "The site of the derailment incident is completely restored after pulling an all-nighter."

Just as they confirm the current situation, the SSS building receives a call from Michel. He tells them, "I haven't been able to get in contact with Rin and Eolia since last night." They report this to Sergei and are told, "We should help each other out in times like this". They decide to pay a visit to the Bracers Guild.

When they arrive at the Bracers Guild, Michel complains to them, "Rin and Eolia haven't contacted the guild yet." He has already asked at the airport and it seems there is no record of the two bracers departing to other countries. The group begins to realize the severity of the situation, and as a heavy atmosphere begins to settle in, Tio remembers a way to precisely locate the bracers' whereabouts. Apparently the ENIGMA has a load of other functions in its testing phases, and one of them is that it sends out an alert signal during emergency situations. Chief Roberts knows about it in more detail, and so Lloyd and the others head to the IBC building where he works.

After the group arrives at the IBC building lobby, Tio contacts Chief Roberts on her ENIGMA. Ending the call, Tio tells them that Jona will be coming down with Roberts. It appears that Jona, who blew up the Geofront terminal room before, is now staying at the Epstein Foundation office. The two appear in the lobby a short while later, and after explaining the situation to them, they readily agree to help search for the missing bracers. Although there are some technical problems, it appears that those can be solved if they do the calculations on the rooftop of the Orkis Tower and establish a link between Tio's sensor and the measuring device. Roberts quickly gains permission to use the Orkis Tower rooftop from the administrations department, and goes on ahead with Jona to set up the necessary equipment for the detection work. Seeing that the rain has let up a little, Jona calls for Lloyd and the others to begin the detection work. The group watches attentively by the side as the detector locates Rin and Eolia's whereabouts via the alert signal.

The work is complete, and they successfully determine the source of the signal. The results gathered from Tio's sensor and the measuring device are then handed over to Jona for data analysis. According to the analysis, they confirm that the signal originates from the wetlands located south of Elm Lake. The group realizes that the situation is unusual since those lands are hardly touched by man. Lloyd and the others express thanks to Chief Roberts and Yona, then hurries back to the Bracers Guild.

After finishing their report to Michel, the group contacts Fran and applies for permission to use the orbal boat. In consideration for it being an urgent situation, they decide to head first for the wetlands. Arios and the others, who will be returning in approximately one-hour time, will join up with them shortly afterwards. After making some quick preparations, the group boards the boat in the Waterfront Area and sets out with Noel, who has more experience, at the wheel.

From inside the Heiyue office, Cao and Lau happen to witness part of what's happening. Cao murmurs to himself, "What an interesting coincidence," as Yin has also headed to the southern parts of Elm Lake after sensing some abnormality in that area. Suddenly, Heiyue member Fang comes rushing into the office, looking flustered. According to him, he has just received an "unbelievable report" from the surveillance team.

Lloyd and the others arrive at the wetlands, and there they see Pleroma flowers growing everywhere as far as the eyes can see. Lloyd guesses, "Perhaps this is where Joachim got the raw materials for the Gnosis?", to which Yin says, "By the looks of this place, I don't think you're wrong," and appears before them. Yin's sudden appearance puts the group on alert, but it appears there is no ulterior motive behind their chance meeting. Yin prepares to leave after understanding their situation, however Lloyd suddenly proposes cooperation. Yin hesitates at first, but knowing that their goal is the same, accepts this temporary alliance. With the assistance of Yin's superhuman combat abilities, the group proceeds through the field of Pleroma flowers, repelling all monsters they come across.

A short while later, the group discovers Eolia who is imprisoned by vines. After helping her out, she regains consciousness and explains to the group what happened. It appears that Rin and her encountered Ouroboros members here while tracking down the Phantom Beasts and Pleroma flowers. They got separated fighting two girls clad in valkyrie armor, and then Campanella bond her. Lloyd and the others finish listening to Eolia's story, and after ensuring her safety, they begin their search for the other bracer Rin.

Lloyd and the others proceed deeper into the wetlands where they find Rin, trapped in the same way as Eolia. Though there are no life-threatening injuries, she lost consciousness from complete physical exhaustion. Yin injects life into Rin, and upon waking up, the bracer confirms Eolia's safety. Updated on the current situation, she expresses thanks to the group and begins to describe the enemies she lost to, all the while feeling vexed. Rin tells them, "There is one among them who is extremely strong. Even with the legendary assassin Yin, you're all probably still no match for that person." After safely rescuing the two bracers, the group continues further into the wetlands. They decide that they should search out Ouroboros while waiting for Arios and the others to arrive.

>> Guardian of the Sacred Garden

Lloyd and the others find the Ouroboros members in the inner parts of the wetlands, a place where immense energy hangs in the air. The group hides themselves and gauges the situation. Unaware of this, Novartis and Campanella continue to talk happily, saying "The Faceless would be glad to see this if he were still alive." Arianrhod, who has been listening by the side, quickly becomes aware of Lloyd and the other's presence. Like toward guests, she invites them to join them. Lloyd and others oblige and come to stand before them. Since this is their first meeting, the two Angis introduce themselves.

Appearing to be in a happy mood, Novartis tells them, "I'm the Sixth Pillar responsible for the Thirteen Factory. Please, just call me Doctor". To that, Tio realizes that he is the person who developed the code used in the hacking. Novartis is greatly interested in Tio's words and personal history and attempts to persuade her into joining Ouroboros, to which Tio flat out rejects.

On the other hand, Arianrhod takes a step forward and introduces herself as the "Seventh Pillar" in a polite manner befitting a swordsman. Lloyd and the others shrink from the pressure of her aura, however, only Yin does not back down and points her sword at Arianrhod in provocation.

Under this nervous atmosphere in which anything could happen at any moment, Campanella announces the return of the "Guardian Spirit". Hearing the sound of flapping wings, Lloyd and the others look up to find a gigantic Phantom Beast descending upon them amid strong winds. Campanella calls the beast "the guardian of this sacred garden created from ancient illusions". The fight with the Phantom Beast begins for Lloyd and the others while the Ouroboros members watch on.

Looking at the Phantom Beast disappear after a death cry, Novartis and Campanella give the group a round of applause from a higher ground. Remaining cautious, Lloyd questions them, "What is your business in Crossbell?" Hearing that, Novartis replies, "We came to confirm the degree of the Septium vein's activity and the timing of the [Promised Day]." Their ambiguous answers cause Yin to ready the sword once again, wanting to force the truth out of them. Lloyd and the others don't intend to stop Yin, instead they also show their resolution to battle if it comes down to it. Seeing their attitude, Arianrhod steps forward with lance in hand, and in an instant, unleashes countless thrusts. Lloyd and the others are sent flying back, and only Yin among them is barely able to take the attacks. However, a crack appears on Yin's mask and reveals the hidden face of Rixia under it.

This sudden turn of events leave Lloyd and the others speechless, while Campanella laughs and says, "This is amazing." At that moment, Arios arrives with the other bracers. Not only does Arios sense Arianrhod's overwhelming strength, but also realizes the presence of the other valkyries. He understands that the situation is not in their favor. But, all of a sudden, Campanella says, "It is time," and prepares to leave. Arianrhod leaves behind a word of advice, "Don't be chained down by the tragedy happening before your eyes," and disappears along with the other Ouroboros members.

Released from the tension, Rixia turns to leave without a word. Even though Lloyd and the others try to call out to her, she hurries off as if running away. When she can no longer be seen, a call from Dudley comes in to Lloyd's ENIGMA.  The content of the call is, "The Red Constellation has completely disappeared from within Crossbell City. I need you guys back here right away."

>> Beasts Released in Crossbell

After telling Arios and the others the matter of the Red Constellation, the party heads for Crossbell city in haste. On the boat on the way back, the true identity of Yin is brought up in their conversations, but they decide they should focus on the matter of the Red Constellation for now.

Before long, Lloyd and the others arrive at the former site of Revache & Co. and join up with Dudley. They receive an explanation of the situation from him, who is directing the investigation at the entrance hall. They learn that around 100 Red Constellation members disappeared via the Geofront. Furthermore, the former Revache storehouse has been refurbished into a training and maintenance facility for heavy weaponry, indicating that the members do not slack in their training. After giving a general explanation, Dudley asks Randy the Red Constellation's motives, to which he answers, "I really have no clue, but it's highly possible they're planning something big." He adds that it will probably be some sort of field or guerrilla warfare in which Jaegers are able to fully realize their combat potentials. At that moment, a call comes in for Dudley and he is told, "An unidentifiable group of armed soldiers has appeared from the Mainz Mountain Path and destroyed the troops stationed there."

That night, inside the SSS building, the group enjoys KeA's specially-made hot pot. Lloyd and the others begin eating their dinner without Sergei, who has been called out for an emergency meeting. Due to the Red Constellation's criminal acts, they worry about how Randy's faring, however, they are relieved after seeing him acting as usual. In preparation for tomorrow, they rest early.

When everyone's fast asleep, Randy walks out of the SSS building quietly with bag in hand. Just when he looks as if he has decided on something, Wazy suddenly calls out to him from the side, "You're going?" As a preface, Randy says that this is his own problem and tells of his resolution to not involve the others. Despite being astonished as to Randy's clumsy way of living, Wazy promises that he won't tell the others and sees him off into the distance.

>> Tracking the Missing Randy

A letter along with the supplied ENIGMA is left behind inside Randy's room. Written in the letter is a simple message that reads, "I'm going to go settle things. See ya." After reading the letter, Lloyd and the others cannot help but be depressed. The remaining five members of the SSS believe that Randy must have headed in the direction of Mainz and put their hopes in the Crossbell Guardian Force for any news. However, it appears that Sergei has already confirmed with the Guardian Force. They come to an agreement that "For an ex-Jaeger experienced in battle, Randy is most likely able to evade the notice of the Guardian Force troops." As a pessimistic atmosphere lingers in the air over Randy not seeking their help as comrades, Lloyd points out the possibility that Randy might still be inside Crossbell city in order to arm himself. The others nod to Lloyd's explanation, narrow down possible locations that Randy might drop by, and begin to gather information.

After getting several useful pieces of information, Lloyd and the others figure out Randy's movements based on the witness accounts. In chronological order, Randy first retrieved his weapon during his Jaeger days from the casino, and then he made an appearance at the repair shop, Guillaume Workshop, to request maintenance for said weapon. Lastly, he stopped by exchange shop Neinvalli to acquire ammunition. Just as the group is about to head to Mainz after having a general idea of Randy's movements, a call comes into Lloyd's ENIGMA. The caller is Cao, who somehow got his number, asking them to "come to the rooftop of the Times Department Store". After the end of the call, Lloyd tells the others about the caller and his request. They conclude that Cao is not one to do meaningless things and so they decide to drop by the meeting place before heading out to Mainz.

Cao cuts to the chase upon Lloyd and the others' arrival at the department store rooftop. According to him, Yin has one-sidely cut their long-term contract and so he seeks information about what happened at Elm Lake. Though surprised at Cao's information network, they tell him, "we are not obligated to tell you that." However, the group falls for Cao's clever talking skills and ends up confirming that Yin is a female. Already having an inkling as to Yin's true identity, Cao now firmly believes that Yin is Rixia.

Seeing Cao highly satisfied with the information he received, Elie asks him what he plans to do with Rixia. He replies, "Since so many people know her true identity, it can no longer be used as a threat." With Cao's business done, just as the group is about to leave, Cao tells them of a witness account of Randy as thanks for their information earlier. According to him, Heiyue's surveillance team saw Randy at a certain location on the Mainz Mountain Path around 3 hours ago. The group expresses thanks for this unexpected piece of information and hurries on over to the specified location after contacting Sergei.

Lloyd and the others move to the Mainz Mountain Path to search for the location where Randy was last seen. After finding the elevated suspension bridge used as the landmark, they search its surroundings and in no time discover the climbing rope leading to the bottom of the cliff. They confirm that Randy descended into the rocky gorge and cautiously follow the climbing rope in pursuit of him.

After descending the rope, the group finds themselves in a mine shaft that connects to ancient tunnels. They first survey their surroundings and look at their map. They confirm that their current location is an abandoned tunnel that leads in the direction of the Mainz old mines, and that there is a possibility that they can pass through the Red Constellation defense line. As this type of terrain is ideal for surprise attacks, the group is confident that Randy's just ahead. To make up for their delay, they quickly proceed into the inner parts of the abandoned tunnel.

>>  Inheritors of the War God's Blood

Lloyd and the others repel the war beasts ambushing inside the abandoned tunnel and reach the Mainz old mines. They quickly survey their surroundings to search for Randy, but in that moment, they feel the vibration of something like an earthquake coming from a distance. Tio determines that the vibration is the sound of explosions and says that she heard gunshots. The group realizes they are one step too late and dashes off in the direction of the gun battle in order to join up with Randy.

As Randy runs down the hills of the Mainz Mountain Path without pause, he defeats the Jaegers in his way in succession. The Jaegers fight back by adopting a spread-out formation, however Randy leaps onto a higher ground and drops a grenade on them, followed by a rain of bullets from his Berserga.

Lloyd and the others are shocked upon witnessing Randy's fighting prowess as befitting his nickname "Crimson Reaper". In the next instant, Shirley appears overhead in laughter and surprise attacks Randy. Shirley sees an opening as Randy is forced into defense and engages in close combat. She points out Randy's long absence from the battlefield and uses her Testarossa's chainsaw blade to cut apart the Berserga. While closing in on Randy who's on the ground, Shirley tells him that he can "inherit the War God's seat after some rehabilitation." Raising her Testarossa, she continues, "How about I take off one arm?" In that moment, with Elie's shooting as cover, Lloyd and the rest launch a joint attack on Shirley. However, she dodges all of their attacks and now that her attention is on them, she exclaims, "If you guys want to play with Shirley so much, I'll be your opponent...!"

Despite Randy missing from their party, there are still five members going against Shirley. Seeing that Shirley still has spare energy left after their intense battle, the group clearly experiences the strength of the so-called strongest class of mercenaries, Jaegers. However, at that moment, second lieutenant Mireille arrives at the Mainz old mines with her Guardian Force troops. Seeing the reinforcements, Shirley says lightly, "Well then, see ya~!" and retreats from the area with her men.

Mireille, who was worried about Randy, reprimands him for his rash behavior and then leaves him in the care of Lloyd and the others. In order to chase after the Red Constellation, Mireille rushes down the hill. After seeing her off, Randy, who kept silent all this time, grabs Lloyd by his collars and demands an answer, "Just what the hell were you thinking?" Randy thinks it's unacceptable that Lloyd, being the leader, came chasing after him and even engaged in battle, exposing his comrades to danger. However, Lloyd brushes away his hands and says, "It's exactly because we don't want danger to come to our comrade that we're here," reminding Randy that he is also an important friend.

Hearing those words, Randy confesses that his hands are stained with blood. He tells everyone, "In order to annihilate the enemy, I sacrificed innocent people in the past." Even though he thinks of himself as despicable, everyone treats him like a reliable older brother. To that, Randy cries out from the bottom of his heart, "If this continues...then I..! I'm afraid I'll gradually start to forgive myself...!!"

The group falls silent hearing Randy's confession while Lloyd smiles and says, "This is great... I'm relieved." Lloyd speaks frankly about his own feelings, "Randy's always joking around and acting unconcerned, finally you spoke your true feelings." Furthermore, Lloyd feels really regretful for not realizing Randy's troubles earlier, always depending on him and not being able to help in return. Randy says that he doesn't deserve those words, but Lloyd tells him that even if he can't forgive himself, "at least we will forgive you". Elie and the others add, "Acknowledging and forgiving one another is what true friends do," also expressing their forgiveness. Their kind words move Randy and he finally accepts their feelings.

After deepening their bond, the group joins up with second lieutenant Mireille at the freed Mainz Mining Village. Mireille explains to them that Red Constellation retreated and that there is no harm done to the village. Just then, she receives a call. It appears that her troop lost sight of Red Constellation after their retreat. Right after the report, Tio notices something and alerts everyone there. What comes into all of their visions as they turn around is the sight of Crossbell city engulfed in flames.



  1. Glad to see you return after a long time! There are detailed summaries of almost every Kiseki game, but in french, chinese, or japanese. Ao is the last hold out, and I've always struggled to understand certain parts of the game, OCR and online translators notwithstanding. BTW, when you write "To the First Pillar's question, she answers, "That matter has been left in the care of master HaKai," as she moves the topic of the conversation to Crossbell.", what exactly is the First Pillar's question?

    Thanks for your work.

    1. Thanks! ^^ it really has been a long time eh? 7 months of neglecting this site...
      I'm glad these summaries are helping you understand the story better, it's one of the reasons I'm doing these in the first place, especially now that the Crossbell arc might never see english localization (or even if it will, it'll be years later). As to your question, it's not mentioned in the book lol and I don't have a save at that point in the game to go check it out. I think the First Pillar's question is just probably "What about that matter?" Iirc, it's never clearly told to us what kind of "matter" HaKai's left with.

  2. Hello raindrops,
    I found your blog recently and I just wanted to thank you for your work. I always wanted to do it myself but I never got around to do it and got lazy.
    Anyway just wanted to let you know that I have compiled your translation on pdf format and adding pictures for the first chapter.
    Of course I didn't post it anywhere, just uploaded it on a google drive.
    So if you are interested I can give the link to download it and maybe share it with your followers
    One more thing I don't know how far you are on the translation of the next chapters but maybe I could help in some way

    1. Hello there :)
      I so understand the getting lazy part, happens to me a lot :P reason why it's taking me so long to finish one chapter haha (well that, and my attention span is quite short, I tend to go work on other stuff...) And sure, pdf is always nice! I can put the link in the posts in case people want to download them~ :D
      As for the helping part, I'm not exactly sure how you want to help? If you mean with the translations, since I'm working on this as like a hobby project of mine, I'm not really in a hurry to finish lol. And thanks for dropping by!

    2. Hey,
      I'm the same way as you.
      So I don't know if we can PM each other but that way I will send the link just for you.
      Let me know how you want to proceed

  3. wow thx for the translation
    btw will u translate sen no kiseki chapter 2?

    1. and i need help in chp 1 i already meet lecter in the casino but after i left Police Department i didnt get a call from sergei... no iam stuck can go anywhere except the church(KeA school)

    2. Hello :)
      I won't be translating sen no kiseki chapter 2 since there's official english release coming out soon~ as for your other question, you're required to finish two mandatory quests before sergei will call you. Since you finished the lechter one, have you gone to the orbal store in central square? there's a quest there with Wendy (the receptionist) :)

    3. wow thx a lot finally i can move on to another event...
      and maybe if i stuck again i will try ask u again :)

    4. you're welcome :)
      and sure, if you're stuck in the game again, feel free to ask (hopefully I'll know the answer~)

    5. now stuck at Wazy and Wald
      i already go to IBC builiding
      >play mini games
      >go to the hut in graveyard
      >Downtown area
      >one-on-one fight
      >get a fishing rod

      >go to morges talk to owner shop and then answer some question get an item
      >go to the both of building next to bracer guild see an event
      and now what ? please help me again.... :(

    6. I think I sort of have an idea where you're at. Have you finished all 3 mandatory quests? There's the Morges one, fishing rod one, and one where you have to play Pom! with Chief Roberts (quest starts at the IBC front desk npc). After you done all 3 quests, head to downtown exchange shop and talk to npc there.

    7. play pom with chief already done
      the morges one i already answer the question get item and i what should i do with the item
      next i already get a fishing rod but i dont know what should i do with that

    8. ahh never mind now i already chp 2
      so can u tell me about mandatory quests in chp 2 ?

    9. hm I don't quite remember off the top of my head but in case you're not aware, there is ao guide on gamefaqs ( ) I haven't used it myself since I usually use jp wikis, but it looks to be quite complete.

  4. awesome job so far :) i´ve recently finished zero evo and loved it.. now i´ve ordered ao evo and i hope you´ll continue your summary because it´s a huge help to play and enjoy the game ^^ i´m really excited for ao and i still have huge doubts that we will ever see the game in english.. because of that and i needed these games retail for vita so i´ve imported them :F thank you for all your hard work

    1. yeah no worries, I didn't drop it yet, just that sometimes when life gets busy (or when games come out)... I kinda just... forget about this site rofl... ==; I'm glad to see you're enjoying the crossbell games, they're my fav! :3

  5. Hey, Raindrops! This is Floofy- I maintain Endless History ( I've got something I wanted to ask you. Do you have an email I can use to contact you directly? Thanks!

    1. Though now I see it in another comment. I'll toss the email your way. ;D

  6. maybe you can help me.. there is a sidequest to hunt down a monster in geofront d. but how can i enter geofront d in chapter 3 (day 3)? the first time in chapter 2 i got there through orkis tower via elevator, which i can use atm only to go to the 40th floor :/ maybe you can remember this situation (gamefaq simply says to go to geofront d ^^) thx in advance

    1. Hey :) there should be a Geofront D block entrance in the Old Town area (that place where Wazy and Wald's gang hangs out). If you head to the right of the Guillaume Workshop, there should be event/entrance.

  7. aaah found it finally, thank you :) never expected that ^^
